TRC Film

"They Came for the Children” 

A Film in 5 Parts Based on the TRC Final Report on Residential Schools in Canada.  For best viewing click on “Youtube” below the picture and then “Theatre Mode"


 Part 1: Introduction (17 min):This Introduction segment is  an in-depth look at the Indian Residential Sschools Settlement Agreement with Fmr. Grand Chief Phil Fontaine. It presents the Commissioners of the TRC and the establishment of the NCTR with comments on "why truth comes before reconciliation" with Ry Moran of the NTRC.    This segment includes  a clip from 2008 in the House of Commons with Chief Fontaine  and a reflection on healing for Indigenous peoples and Settlers by Elder Stan McKay.

                                               Click on “Youtube”, then “Theatre Mode"


Part 2: History - From Assimilation to “We are All Treaty People" -  (21 min): This segment features the essential historical concepts: Assimilation, Colonization, Cultural Genocide, Impact on Women, Sir John A. and the "savages" quote, the Doctrine of Discovery, Royal Proclamation and Treaty of Niagara and the Significance of Wampum Belts. With Dr. Dawn Lavell-Harvard; Sr. Priscilla Solomon, csj; Prof. John Borrows, Chief Phil Fontaine, Prof. Brian Gettler and Dan Paul, author of “We Were Not the Savages”.

                                         Click on “Youtube”, then “Theatre Mode"


Part 3: The Residential Schools   (25 min): An in-depth look at the history of the schools in the first voices of 7 survivors; and analysis by Prof. Gettler, Chief Fontaine, The Rev. Fred Hiltz (Primate of the Anglican Church) and quotes from Davin, and Langevin with archival images of life in the schools. This segment is a comprehensive look at life at the Residential Schools.

                                               Click on “Youtube”, then “Theatre Mode"


Part 4: The Churches, the Apologies and Indigenous Spirituality  (20 min): This segment features the  apologies of the churches and Congregations and features The Rev.  Bill Phipps (Fmr. Moderator of the United Church) delivering his apology in 2014 at the Edmonton Sharing Panel, Sr. Priscilla Solomon, csj; Primate Hiltz on The Rev.  Michael Peers’ apology, Fr. Ken Forster (Provincial of the Oblates) and The Rev. Stan McKay, Elder.  It also features the full video statement to the TRC on behalf of Women Religious  in Vancouver 2013. This chapter examines  the compatibility of Indigenous Spirituality and Christianity.

                                                 Click on “Youtube”, then “Theatre Mode"


Part 5:  The 94 Calls to Action and Signs of Hope   (17 min): In this segment, we survey the 94 Calls and identify some examples of a hopeful response.   The First Nations Peoples’ House of Learning at Trent University; the production of a film by Anglican Video on the Doctrine of Discovery; a high school using Chanie Wenjak's image in an art class to discuss the Calls to Action;   Law Prof. John Borrows at U Vic. BC , explaining how the Law Faculty is starting a joint program in Indigenous and Canadian Law;  Ry Moran explaining the significance of the UN Declaration: UNDRIP; a visit to the Woodland Centre Museum Honoring Tom Longboat, a world famous First Nations athlete, and an Indigenous  school board consultant in Otttawa explaining how curriculum in schools is changing to reflect the importance of indigenous programming.  


                                              Click on “Youtube”, then “Theatre Mode"

© Kevin Moynihan 2025